Tuesday 12 December 2006

Today 12th December 2006

What a start my day already has. I created a blog and now I can't find it so I have had to make another one in the hope I can retrieve this one, if not I will have so many postings people will wonder how many of me there are. I had a bad nights sleep yet again. Something is waking me up at round 4a.m. and I can't get back to sleep afterwards. Shattered is not the word. I have finished my Christmas gift shopping so now I have only got to battle with the crowds when I go food shopping. My lounge looks like a bomb has hit it with the boxes of decorations all out of the loft. My tree is decorated and lit and some of the ornaments are out but I haven't yet put the trimmings up and I don't know if I will bother. Maybe I will just put bits of tinsel over the place. It gets harder each year to get motivated and I still have so many things left to do, but here I am sitting at my computer instead. At least the laundry is nearly up-to-date. I have packed away my sewing machine and all of my fabrics. I do patchwork and quilting and I am a bit obsessive about it. I joined a group a couple of years ago and we meet every alternate Tuesday evening and I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoy it. I have met a lot of new people and I have been known to drag (he doesn't mind) my husband around quite a few of the Quilt shows. I have quite a good stash of fabrics that I intend to use one day and I keep adding to it if I see any I like.

Must go and make an attempt at getting the house ready for Christmas and I suppose I will get into the mood of it soon. My Mummy (who is 90)will be here along with my husband and I and my daughter and her partner will be joining us on Boxing Day as they take it turns as to where they spend Christmas Day and this year its not my turn. It will be a quiet Christmas for me but I expect a very busy one.

I hope to hear from some-one maybe who has the same interests as me. Hope to hear from you soon.


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